October Club Sport of the Month

Women’s Rugby was named the Club Sport of the Month for October.

1. When was your club established at Georgia Southern and what is a tradition your team has?

The Georgia Southern Women’s Rugby Club was established in 1998. One of our biggest traditions is a post-game social. During the social, members of different teams and the community come together to get to know one another after matches and create deeper connections with the rugby community.


2. Why do you like playing club sports at Georgia Southern?

Georgia Southern Club sports are extremely fun to participate in because our teams are very competitive and have very good reputations, as well as, expectations. I also appreciate the fact the CRI is so deeply involved in making sure that club sport teams are able to perform to their highest potential by providing excellent resources that many schools just don’t provide.

3. What is it like to travel and play different schools?

The ability to travel a lot and play other teams is one of the best things about rugby. What makes it even more unique is that a lot of times, we stay with the opposing team and vice versa. Housing opposing teams not only saves money, but it helps us keep good relations with opponents and strengthens our rugby community bonds.


4. What is your best memory while playing in the tournament this past weekend?

My best memory from this weekend’s tournament was stiff-arming through at least 4 people twice to run and score two tries for the team! It was very intense and is something that I look forward to doing at this weekend’s Round Robin with UGA and App State.

5. What if someone is interested in playing rugby? How can they find out more information? Are there tryouts?

If someone is interested in playing rugby or just getting in shape, they don’t have to look any further than the Georgia Southern Women’s Rugby website. The site contains everything from rugby 101 to practice info and game schedules. The Georgia Southern Women’s Rugby Club does not host tryouts of any sort. All you need is a positive attitude and willingness to learn a sport that is foreign to many people, especially in the south.


6. Does your team have any special achievements? If so, what are they?

Well, since the season officially starts in January, our biggest achievement so far is that we successfully hosted our first Halloween tournament and beat a few very well known teams in order to secure first place. We also participate in a lot of community service projects, and for that reason, we are still the reigning holders of the Georgia Southern Community Service Award for 3 years in a row. This year, we are looking to reclaim our title as Club Sport of the Year!

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